health careers discovery night

Ideas - Questions for Panelists


Whatever you are thinking, don’t be shy to ask!

But if you aren’t sure what to ask, here are some questions you might consider for our panelists:

  • What colleges and universities did you attend? Why? Would you attend the same schools over again?

  • Was the journey to your graduate degree worth it?

  • If you ever switched major or career directions - why did you?

  • What was one of your best undergraduate experiences?

  • Did you have any detours or setbacks as a student?

  • Did you ever feel like quitting?

  • Who encouraged or mentored you? What did they do?

  • Who did you ask for help?

  • What experiences (life, volunteer, work, other) helped prepare you for your job today?

  • Who else do you interact with at work? How are your roles similar or different from each other?

  • What did your family think of your choice of attending graduate school? What do they think now?

  • What is your work/life balance like - both now and as a student?

  • What do you do to take care of yourself - both now and as a student?

  • If you told us - “Don’t do ____!” - what would it be?